Greg Dorriety, left,  is the new president of the Point Clear Rotary Club and Jay Weber is the new  president-elect.  Both were introduced recently by outgoing president

Leslie Weeks at a special meeting held at The Venue in Fairhope.  The new officers will begin their term July 1.  Lynn Kushner is the new secretary; Jim Currie is treasurer, and Joe Strange is sergeant-at-arms.  The Point Clear Rotary Club meets every Thursday morning at the Grand Hotel.  Go to

Caleb Crosby, President of the Alabama Policy Institute, was the guest May 25th of Rotarian Bill McNair.  Accompanying Crosby were Leigh Hixon, Senior Director of API Policy Relations,  and Crosby’s seven-year-old daughter, Eden.

Change of Command

Outgoing Point Clear Rotary President Leslie Weeks was given a plaque of appreciation by incoming president Greg Dorriety at a special ceremony held at The Venue in Fairhope.

Weeks wore an Hawaiian shirt to symbolize her Bon Voyage status.  Dorriety and the new officers will take command July 1.  The Point Clear Rotary Club meets every Thursday Morning at The Grand Hotel